Activedit 4.0 Documentation - Working with ActivEdit Source Code

Access to source code contained in ae4net.dll, including the JavaScript library is restricted to ActivEdit source licensees. If you've purchased the source code option, you'll find a full Visual Studio .NET project in C# in the distribution zip, along with a util directory that contains an executeable to build the JavaScript library after changes.

Compiling the JavaScript Library

If you need to make changes directly to the JavaScript library, you'll need to make changes to the copy of editjs.js found in the util directory and build EditJS.cs for ae4net.dll by running CodeToString.exe from the command line. CodeToString takes two command line arguments, input file and output file.

CodeToString editjs.js EditJS.cs

Copy the new version of EditJS.cs to your project directory before building the project.

Basic Map of Project

The ActivEdit Visual Studio project contains just a few files. ActivEdit.cs contains the code for the server control and designer for that control. EditJS.cs contains the JavaScript library and is requested by editjs.aspx in the inc directory through a script tag output by the server control. StringListEnumerator.cs is a utility class used by ActivEdit.cs and EditJS.cs.

It should be rare to need to make changes to the ActivEdit source. Make sure you read the API documentation before making changes to the source, as the API will give you a great deal of flexibility, make your custom code compatible with future updates and isolate changes for easier troubleshooting. You will often need to refer to editjs.js source when using the API, except for basic customization, such as adding a custom button.

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